你知道“开幕式kāi mù shì”是什么吗?

你知道“开幕式kāi mù shì”是什么吗?
A. Open the door
B. Driving test
C. Opening ceremony

开 is an easy hint, usually means to open. Where as 幕 refers to curtain or screen. One of the meanings of 式 is event or ceremony.

北京冬奥会今天(4日)晚8点在中国国家体育场鸟巢(niǎo cháo - Bird's Nest)举行开幕式。

开幕式以及闭幕式(bì mù shì - closing ceremony)的总导演(dǎo yǎn - n. director)为中国知名导演张艺谋。
