《华府在数十年间一直开展不明飞行物体(UFO)计划》 Former U.S. intelligence officials have told congressional hearings that Washington has run a UFO program for decades

美国前情报官员在国会听证会上说,华府在数十年间一直开展不明飞行物体(UFO)计划,收集坠毁的UFO,并发现了“非人类生物”。Former U.S. intelligence officials have told congressional hearings that Washington has run a UFO program for decades, collecting crashed UFOs and finding "non-human beings."

听证会 tīng zhèng huì = testimony

不明飞行物bù míng fēi xíng wù =UFO
“不明” bù míng = 指不明确的,无法确认的 unsure

非人类fēi rén lèi = nonhuman
“非” fēi只否定的意思就是不是人类的意思 = no/negative

还有数十年的“数”这里是四声 (shù),要特别指出这是一个延续了古文说法的词,表示多的意思
在这里数的意思是“多”= the meaning of 数(shù) is many/a lot